College Planning & Applications
When should I start planning for college?
Your high school course selection, involvement with extracurricular activities and other credentials building require strategic planning and effective execution. The best time to start planning for college is while you are in middle school, and if you are already in high school, we suggest you do not wait any longer.
The questions on the application forms are simple. Why do I need help to answer them?
Simply answering the questions might be easy, but identifying the right colleges, selecting a major, exploring the best options to fit your needs, understanding and meeting all of the requirements is not simple. Since you are making an investment in your future by spending significant time and money to attend college, it is important to make sure you that you are getting the right help to make an educated decision.
Why can’t my guidance counselor help me?
There are numerous caring and competent guidance counselors in our public and private school system, but they are generally too busy to give you the time and personalized attention you may need. They are supporting 300+ students on an average, and on the top of that, they have to fulfill other responsibilities. By signing up for the ANAdvantage, you can get the specialized attention you deserve to help you make the best possible decision for your future.
I am a senior in high school. Is it too late to get your help?
Whether you are starting your senior year or only few days away from application deadline, we understand your situation well. We are ready to help as soon as you are ready. We offer a Seniors’ Survival Package that is designed to meet your needs.
My grades are good but my test score is average, or my test score is good but my grades are average – what do I do?
Colleges look at all components of your applications carefully and select students. We recommend that you to contact us to explore options on how to handle your special situation.
I have not done too many things outside the classroom, what can I do now?
It may not be too late to get involved starting now. Every student has strengths that can be fully explored. We encourage you to get our professional help to effectively articulate your background and interest to enhance your applications.
How can I write a good application essay?
We can teach you how to develop your application theme; identify a topic of your choice; create an outline to fit your background, career goals, and other components of your application; and edit it to perfection to make your message heard. The ANAdvantage process can guide you through the entire process.
Professional/Advanced Degree
How can I learn more about various professional/advanced degrees options?
There are thousands of colleges and hundreds of special programs available for high school and college students. Let us help you quantify your interest, understand testing and other application requirements, and apply wisely.
What do I need to do to transfer to another college?
Transferring to another college is necessary in certain circumstances but can be effective only if you carefully select the right mix of colleges to apply. It will be your second and most likely last chance to get it right, and thus, we strongly suggest contacting us immediately.
What are the options for a high school student interested in becoming a doctor?
There are several medical schools offering guaranteed admissions into 6, 7, or 8 year MD or DO degree programs. Identifying, applying and getting into such highly selective programs requires early planning, meeting specific requirements and accelerated application deadlines, and more. The ANAdvantage can guide you through this intricate process and break it down into simple steps; we recommend you contact us today.
How can you help me applying for graduate/professional studies?
Going to graduate school requires planning from the first year of college. It is important to select right mix of courses, explore further into your career goals, consider double major/minor, build your resume, take standardized tests effectively, and more… We can help you systematically plan, get organized, and apply in a timely manner.
Financial Aid
How can I find out what it will cost me to go to a college?
Colleges publish their budget that includes total cost of going to their school, including tuition, fees, housing, food and other expenses. Based on your and your parent’s earnings and assets, we can help you estimate your expected family contribution amount.
When do I need to file my financial aid applications?
Financial aid applications are typically due on a different date from the application deadline. Depending upon the type of application this can be as early as November 1. We strongly suggest that you to check the website of colleges you are applying to, and make sure that your application is submitted on time. We highly recommend that you to submit your application as early as possible to get the best results. Or, give us a call and we can help you take care of all necessary steps.
Is my financial aid award guaranteed for four years?
Your and your parents’ income and assets levels; federal, state and university regulations and recourses; and other circumstances change over time. It is customary to have you reapply for financial aid annually for each school year, and your aid awards may go up or down annually based on change in your circumstances. We routinely help families with such application process to make sure all of the requirements for continuing financial aid are effectively met on time. You suggest you to call us now.
Can I negotiate my financial aid awards?
There is always some room to adjust your initial award up or down. We recommend that you to seek our help to identify issues, share additional information, and explain your personal circumstances rather than simply trying to negotiate.
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