Workshop Series: Admissions Navigator LLC (We/Our) “Getting Organized to Apply” Workshop Series or Mini Workshops are designed to assist Student/Parents (You/Your) in preparing for your college and financial aid applications in a small group settings. During the 3 hour long Interactive Workshop Session(s), we will cover topics as specified in the course descriptions. |
Supplemental Services: We offer supplemental Individualized Admissions Assistance Services, at an additional cost, to assist you beyond the Workshop Sessions. |
Reservation, Payment and Refund: A deposit is required to reserve your space and is refundable only if you request it within 5 days after the deposit date or this Application/Registration Form signing date, whichever is earlier. Payment in full is required prior to start of any services or 2 weeks prior to the start date of the Workshop Series to continue to reserve your space, whichever is earlier. We do not allow you to attend Workshops without payment in full, unless you have made special arrangement with us in advance. We will gladly refund 50% of payments, if you notify us 48 hours prior to the scheduled first Workshop Session or scheduled first meeting. We do not offer any refund for cancellation or missed sessions. Reschedule of one or more Workshop Sessions due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control entitles you to a makeup session(s) and not any refund. In case we decide to reschedule, combine, relocate, or cancel our Workshop Series (All Sessions), you can choose to attend it at a rescheduled date/location or request a refund for services not received. Credit card payments will be refunded by credit card, and cash or check payments will be refunded by a check. Refunds, if any, will be made within 30 days from the request. |
Responsibility of Student/Parents: We encourage you to participate actively and take full advantage of our services. We believe that the Students must be responsible for his/her college application process, and due to space constraints, our Workshops are for Students only. We strongly suggest you not miss any Sessions and attend it all in a consecutive sequence. A makeup session is not always available. If you are likely to miss a Session, contact us immediately and we will try our best to find a way to make it up. The final decision for choosing colleges to apply and to select a college for Student to attend is sole responsibility of the Student/Parents, and not of Admissions Navigator LLC. All of our Copyrighted information & material are strictly for your own use and should not be shared, copied or distributed to anyone. |
Disclaimer: Our mission and objective is to assist you in planning and strategizing for college admissions and/or for financial aid assistance. The delivery of our services is not conditioned upon any projection, promise, or guarantee of college admission and/or financial aid/assistance. We offer no guarantees: (1) of results of any kind, (2) that you will be accepted by any college or university, and/or (3) that the family will receive any financial aid or receive more financial aid than they would otherwise without our assistance. Our acceptance of your Application by execution of this agreement is not subject to any future performance by Admissions Navigator LLC or any of its officers, employees, or agents. We may change types and/or parts of our services and/or levels provided to you at any time at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to reject any Application for our services without stating any reason and can refuse to accept and/or return all consideration received with the Application. We make no representation about quality, service, and/or effectiveness of any third party help we may suggest to the Family. All services provided are initiated under current Federal and State laws and policy at the time the services are rendered. We cannot be responsible for any future changes in any Federal or State laws and policies that may render portions of our previous assistance ineffective in yielding desired results. This agreement does not establish any security interest for any party out of this agreement, and if any is or could be by means of a State or Local statute or policy it will be canceled with the cancellation of this agreement. |
Certification: Father/Mother/Legal Guardian (Parent), certifies that s/he has received a copy of this Application for Services, have read and understand the terms of this Application/Registration form for Services, and agree to pay Total Service Agreement Amount to Admissions Navigator LLC. |